Reading Material
- 1. Conduct Rule
- 2. General Condition
- 3. Leave Rule
- 4. Pay Rule
- 5. Pension Rule 1982
- 6. Budget
- 7. Bombay Finance Rule
- 8. Letter Writing
- 9. Noting and Drafting
- 10. Record Management
- 11. Dicipline and Appeal Rule
- 12. e-Tender and Purchase Procedure
- 13. National Pension Scheme
- 14. RTI Act 2005
- 15. Right to Public Service Act 2015
- 16. Vishakha Samiti
- 17. Swach Bharat
- GeM
- GeM(Government e Market) PreTest..
- GeM(Government e Market) PostTest..
- D Group Modules
- Sofskill for Trainees
- Senior Citizen Part 1
- Senior Citizen Part 2
- MahaPAR
- Zero Pendency
- Pay Fixation
- Training Info Sept. 2021